Upload Files & Earn Money

Upload your files and share them anywhere to start earning money from downloads.

Earn Money
Earn Money

Share your files with your friends and followers and get paid for every download!

Live Statistic
Live Statistic

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Upload Your Files
Upload Your Files

After signing up. You can use our platform to upload and share any type of content.

24 / 7 Support
24 / 7 Support

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sunt consequatur neque earum eum commodi recusandae.

Huge Servers
Huge Servers

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sunt consequatur neque earum eum commodi recusandae.

Our Features

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How it Works

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Deleniti esse reprehenderit voluptates obcaecati placeat architecto hic ratione ducimus nemo.


Create an account

The sign up process is very easy and should not take more than 1 minute


Upload Your Files

After signing up. You can use our platform to upload and share any type of content.


Earn Money

Share your files with your friends and followers and get paid for every download!


Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Deleniti esse reprehenderit voluptates obcaecati placeat architecto hic ratione ducimus nemo.

  1. 1. Open an account for free and get 25 GB of free storage
  2. 2. Upload your files. You can also group them into folders, so they are easier to manage.
  3. 3. Share them with others to make money. Our Payout Rates are the highest!

Absolutely. if you need extra storage, we offer huge amounts of storage for a cheap price, so you can store your files, and share them whenever you want to make money! (You can also use your earnings to upgrade your storage)

No! As long as you adhere to our policies, you can upload and share any files without any limits whatsoever!

Yes! up2files is totally free. By only signin up, you get 25 GB for free, which you can use to share files, and earn money at the same time!